Charlie Mager
Charlie is breaking in as an author with his first book, The Pride of Missouri, after spending over 10 years writing short stories, press releases, and blogs. Charlie’s background consists primarily of sports writing and reporting, but that’s not all! Historic nonfiction and science fiction are what he specializes in the most as an author.
The Pride of Missouri is a four-part chronicle depicting the history of professional sports in the state of Missouri, surrounding the fact that many firsts came in the Show Me State that permanently affect sports worldwide to this day, kicking off a series of historic nonfiction chronicles.
Charlie was born in Kansas City where the first team he ever followed were the Chiefs in the late 1990s. Just after turning five, he moved with his family to St. Louis where he grew up idolizing not just the Chiefs, but the Blues and Cardinals.
As Charlie likes to say, “The fans in St. Louis and Kansas City are the best, and I want to unite them through this story.”
Sports are Charlie’s greatest passion and sports history is his favorite topic to write about. Outside of that, he is also in the process of writing a fantasy series based off of witchcraft taking place primarily during the 20th Century. Most of Charlie’s works are a series of novels that take place from 1900-on whether it be nonfiction or science fiction.
Charlie’s favorite author is Stephen King, King’s works such as The Body, The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon, and Faithful have also inspired him to write about science fiction and fantasy novels.
Not only is Charlie a big lover of sports, but he is big into history. His era for writing extends from 1900 all the way to the present day. Charlie’s fascination with the 20th Century and beyond is evident in his writing and his works in general.
He also greatly enjoys documentaries and his interest in creating documentaries off of his works, especially historic nonfiction was inspired by Ken Burns.
Ken Burns and Stephen King are Charlie’s biggest idols that inspired him the most to pursue these two genres of writing.
Charlie resides in St. Louis today where he intends to launch his first book in spring 2025.